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NearbyNext is a map of events happening right now so you can find the fun, faster!
Find events near you
NearbyNext is a map of events happening right now so you can find the fun, faster!
NearbyNext is a map of events happening right now so you can find the fun, faster!
NearbyNext is a map of events happening right now so you can find the fun, faster!
NearbyNext displays events as pins on the map according to the current time. Find a concert or comedy show that starts in the next few hours.
Easily see how far venues are from you (walking time), navigate with directions, and purchase tickets or RSVP.
Use the filters or search to find your interests (music, comedy, art, FREE, etc.) or adjust the distance radius.
Events happening now or relatively soon will appear on the map and disappear as they end. No more scrolling lists of daytime events that are already over.
Attending a city-wide event or conference such as SXSW or Dreamforce? You might not know where you are, but NearbyNext does!
Data already exists in multiple places (Eventbrite, Bandsintown, Meetup, Facebook, and Venue websites) so with the help of SerpApi we aggregate, augment, and curate this data to provide the best location-based user-experience.
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